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Lymphoma Specialist
Have you noticed cytarabine syndrome outside of 7+3 induction? and when you consider it, are there specific labs you could order? I have a lymphoma patient getting BEAM, he started 100 mg/m2 cytarabine BID on recently and started having soon after.
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Breast Cancer | Age 66
Breast Cancer Specialist
66y/o female with metastatic recurrent ER 50%, PR 25% Ki-67 40%, Her 2 neg (2+/FISH neg) patient with Brachial plexus involvement resulting in Loss of function of Right arm and significant bone metastasis. Her XRT is planned for next the 6 weeks. Is it safe to start Ribociclib while patient is on XRT or should we wait for XRT to complete and then start CDK 4/6?
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GI Cancer | Age 78 | New Dx
GI Cancer Specialist
I would like to learn your approach if you had a 78YM ECOG 1 with pT3N0M0 transverse colon adenocarcinoma s/p R hemicolectomy and not a CEA secretor and the only risk feature identified on path being moderately to poorly differentiated adeno. Would you offer adjuvant chemo? Would you obtain ctDNA?
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Hematology Specialist
Would you treat this case of PNH as PNH with hemolysis or PNH with bone marrow failure? I was thinking of giving a trial of Eculizumab/Ravulizumab in PNH with BMF while waiting for transplant, however, it is not expected to work.
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AML | Age 49 | New Dx
AML Specialist
My pt was diagnosed with intermediate risk AML (FLT3-ITD) she finished Induction with 7+3+Midaustaurin then 4 cycles HiDAC+Midaustaurin, pt won't get transplant (due to social situation). For maintenance should I do HMA (Po azacitidine)? Or quizartinib? Can I do quizartinib even if she didn't receive it during induction or maintenance (we used midaustaurin). NCCN specifically says quizartinib.
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GU Cancer | Age 62
GU Cancer Specialist
62 y/o M with pT3a, N0, M0, adenocarcinoma of the prostate, Gleason score 5+4 equals 9, and a pretreatment PSA level of 7.56, status post radical prostatectomy in 2022, had +EPE at the time, now having rising PSA up to 0.38. PSMA PET showed a left obturator lymph node. He is starting Lupron, do you typically add on abiraterone for these patients? If so, for what duration?
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