MPN | Age 46 | New Dx
MPN Specialist
Hematologist, Oncologist
I’m working up a patient for erythrocytosis. His BMBx was mildly hypocellular at 20-40% for a 46yo (heavy EtOH use) and cytogenetics and myeloid NGS panel were normal and without mutations respectively. Do you think his EtOH could be masking the expected panmyelosis of PV?
Read ResponseLung Cancer | Age 70 | New Dx
Lung Cancer Specialist
Hematologist, Oncologist
70 y/o with met. NSCLC developed colitis on maintenance pembro. Excellent response to steroids but colitis recurs after taper. Got restarted on steroids and now starting on infliximab. Do you continue the steroids or stop/ taper them?
Read ResponseMultiple Myeloma | Age 58
Multiple Myeloma Specialist
Hematologist, Oncologist
58M with IgG lambda MM, R-ISS 1, standard risk cytogenetics. Recently, developed localized prostate cancer. Would you stop revlimid maintenance in setting of another cancer?
Read ResponseLymphoma | Oncology Pharmacist
65 year-old patient with stage III Hodgkin's is having a tough time with Bren-AVD. I'm thinking patient will need dose reductions or delays. Any ideas on how to manage side effects?
Read ResponseAML | Age 67 | R/R
AML Specialist
Oncologist, Hematologist
Recurrent AML patient with complex karyotype and hepatitic C cirrhosis. Negative for FLT3 and IDH mutations. Started Venclexta plus Vidaza. What is your experience with cirrhotic patients and this regimen?
Read ResponseHematology | Age 61
Classical Hematologist
Oncologist, Hematologist
Male age 61 sent to me for macrocytic anemia. Started him on folic acid and plan to start steroids for AIHA. Do you agree with that and adding rituxan only if that fails?
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