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MPN | Age 77 | R/R
MPN Specialist
77 yo M patient with history of JAK2 positive myelofibrosis diagnosed in 2014. Recent bone marrow biopsy showed progression of myelofibrosis with JAK2, ASX1, and TET2 mutations. Karyotype interestingly showed a 9;22 translocation. Can MF obtain this mutation or has new CML developed?
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GU Cancer | Age 76 | R/R
GU Cancer Specialist
What would be your first line of systemic therapy for a 76YM with locally recurrent urothelial carcinoma of the bladder/ureter post-cystectomy and does not appear to be a cisplatin candidate?
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Breast Cancer | Age 60 | New Dx
Breast Cancer Specialist
60 year old breast cancer patient. We are considering introducing pembrolizumab (her PD-L1 (22C3) CPS is 40) but are concerned about her history of myocarditis. Of note, she also has PALB2 mutation. Wondering what your thoughts would be regarding adjuvant pembrolizumab vs PARPi.
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Multiple Myeloma | Age 54 | R/R
Myeloma Specialist
54 yo female with clinically aggressive myeloma diagnosed in 2021 (FISH at diagnosis with gain 1q). Treated across a number of different therapies. Recently progressed with no organ failure so far and relatively OK performance status. What would you consider as the next therapeutic steps?
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GI Cancer | Age 64 | New Dx
GI Cancer Specialist
64 y/o male patient with metastatic pancreatic cancer, currently receiving palliative mFOLFIRINOX. He continues to have significant abdominal pain related to his cancer despite using his fentanyl patch, Oxycodone PRN, and gabapentin. I was considering palliative RT for relief of symptoms but have seen mixed opinions in literature. Would you recommend RT or another form of therapy (e.g. celiac nerve block?)?
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MPN | Age 40 | New Dx
MPN Specialist
40 year old female with CML who has been on Imatinib for one year with CMR. She developed dyspnea recently and an echocardiogram showed a posterior focal pericardial effusion. She was seen by cardiology and started on prednisone and colchicine. I stopped imatinib now and it seems that most TKI have a risk for pericardial effusion. In this situation, you would consider trying pericardiocentesis and biopsy? What is the best way to deal with pericardial effusions from imatinib?
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